Lord Mountbatten wqs the last Viceroy of India. He was responsible for overseeing the partition of the subcontinent into India and Pakistan. Photo " 'World Renewal' 1970. In that year 'World Renewal' predicted Destruction in 1976, as did many BK publications and the murli! see references on this site...

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18.07 | 05:20

dadi prakashmani was a great leader and one of babas favourite students baba use to take her name in sakar murli as an example. Baba used to call her kumarika.

18.07 | 05:16

baba uses destruction word so that brahmins do teevra purusharth

18.07 | 05:11

in murli baba has said sangamyug is 100years baba talks about destructrion so that brahmins purusharth can take lift.babas words are kalyankari

14.06 | 22:39

Goodonya Robin.